2nd year ESO

2nd ESO


By Isabel Vicente.

The activity I have performed in class consisted on making 4 groups of students, each group received one envelopE with a puzzle with some information about stamina(each group have a different one), firstly they had to join and organize the puzzle, and then read and understand all the information because the second part of the activity consisted on making new groups with one component of the four groups, join all the information in a sheet filling all the gaps and answer the questions, all the component should know how to answer the questions at the end of the class.

In order to help the students with the vocabulary I put some information over the walls, so they can consult some words if they don´t know them.
Each envelope had a special card with which they can ask the teacher if they have any other doubt about a word in order to understand all the information.

This is some of the information that the students had translated over the walls of the gym:

 This is the special card that students could change with the teacher in order to discover a new word:

Answer the following questions:

  • What went well? The pupils were motivated and focused on the activity. Why? I think that from the beginning they were surprised by the envelopes and they started to cooperate very fast.
  • What didn’t go as you had planned? The time it took. I expected to spend less time of the lesson. Why not? I had planned one physical activity for the end of the class, and we went so fast through it.
  • If you were to do this task again, what would you change or improve? The activity was really nice, they learnt a lot, if I was to do this task again, I think that I would do the physical activity before, and then the rest of the the lesson to do the speaking and writing and to comment the activity between all the students.

New fitness trends, by Diego Freile 

I gave a paper to each student -12 students, 2nd year-, with a number - 1 to 4- and a coloured person -4 differents colours-. We repeated this activity three times,  for about 10 minutes.
The main goal is to find your group of 4 and to practice the figure. The first group to finish will be the winner.
By asking questions, you have to find the group that fits.
The result was OK, the group started the lesson talking, being in differents groups with other students, it was more or less 10 minutes, because we practiced 3 figures. So, great!

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