3rd year ESO

Cross curricular project. Physical Education and English. Acro-Spanish Project

By Inés Fernández.

This is the info I gave to the students:

Objectives: You are going to use the information found for the English project about Spain and El Bierzo, culture and traditions. 

Try to select information regarding physical habits and culture (sports, leisure time, food, places to visit, local folklore, dance, music, fashion...), and use it as a source of inspiration for your acrosport choreography and Mini-documentary.

1-  You and your group (5 to 7 students), must perform 3 acrosport pyramids integrated in a choreography accompanied by music (the same for all the class). The shape of the pyramids could resemble something of our culture.
2-  You must use link elements to create a continuous choreography such us: dance steps, twist, jumps, acrobatic elements (headstand, handstand, cartwheel, somersault, roll...), dance-fights, body language elements or any other activity you think that could improve the choreography. All your group choreography must last 1 minute.
3-  After your group performance, you will join to the rest of the class and build a castle that resembles “El Castillo de los Templarios”. That will be the end of the class representation.
4-  We will record a video in class and all the group members (5-7), must participate to edit a brief documentary, with the relevant information found (focus on physical habits). Record your voices and add subtitles giving a sense to the choreography for doing it more interesting for the audience.

Los alumnos crearán una coreografía de acrosport inspirándose en la cultura española. Buscarán información relativa a los hábitos físicos, folclore, tiempo libre deportes, moda, bailes…utilizando la información utilizada en el proyecto de la asignatura de Inglés para crear un breve documental.
En la coreografía aparecerán pirámides que tengan connotaciones de cultura española y/o del bierzo. Los elementos de transición (pasos de baile, acrobacias, lucha danzada, expresión corporal…) serán contextualizados para dar sentido a toda la representación. Finalmente tras la representación y grabación de ésta, crearán el mini-documental utilizando las imágenes de clase y la información relevante encontrada, grabando sus voces y añadiendo subtítulos.

PROJECT DRAFT including:
Narrators: read the script with clear voice and record it.
Screenwriters: write an interesting story about physical habits with all the info selected by the group members.
Film editors: video editing, add voices and subtitles.
Stage designers: in charge of costumes and scenery.
MAIN IDEAS FOUND: For the story and how to do it interesting for the audience (remember it should last around 3 minutes speaking)

1. Rugby, much more than a sport, by Javier Torres

    1.1. Attachment

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Shared by Silvia García: The cross curricular project for 3ºESO that I have created involves Physical Education, Music, Arts and Crafts, Tec...