#TOKIO 2021

This is the advert created by France Télévision, an homage to Japanese culture and Ukiyo-e printmakers. 

Here you can listen to the creators of the slogan talking about the making of and the ideas behind the commercial for the Olympic Games in Tokio 2021, with English subtitles.

And the advertisement:


Miriam Hernando shares about online teaching: two helpful and meaningful 

I strongly recommend  David Ruiz's blog with many tools organized according to your needs and briefly and wonderfully explained: 


In this oral presentation, TSAS students (Técnico Superior en Enseñanza y Animación Sociodeportiva) students need to use many Cognition strategies.

These pictures appeared on a tweet by @MayteSBM English Teacher at the IES Mateo Díez de Salamanca.

It's always useful to follow creative and generous teachers on the social media and also work in collaboration with the English teacher in your school.




Air New Zealand trials edible, vanilla-flavoured coffee cups to reduce waste


This is a first aid video which shows how to do CPR, using your hands (according with the last protocol, is the way that a non trained person should do it) after watching this video we can ask students several questions such as:

What does she use to do CPR? Why? 
Why do you think that she follows the song pace? 
How can we train CPR?
Why is so important to start compressions immediately?

Source Provided by Inés Fernández

It is very useful. It has several topics and the most important for me are health and sports. 

You can watch the videos, also you can read the transcription and download them. It is available in differents languages.

Source provided by Isabel M. González.


The gym decoration is a big issue in the USA and Canada: sports banners, posters, and motivating sentences hit you as soon as you get in.

10 golden rules of mental health wellbeing

Andy Sammons, Head of Department and author of 'The Compassionate Teacher' @compassionteach, shares 10 rules you should follow to help you handle the demands of teacher workload and limit your chances of reaching burnout.
This resource accompanies Andy's article, 'Anxiety and depression, the terrible twins: what they are and how to spot them'.

Example golden rule

5. Be you. Remember, you are you, and not just a teacher. Give yourself the time and space to be that person outside of the building – the key is to create the space to ‘decompress’ and experience life outside of the cauldron. Having experienced it myself, staying in the cauldron only makes things worse.

Take care of yourselves.


All this information will help you to elaborate your warm-up notes


This activity uses a football training video from the BBC to help secondary pupils improve their football at the same time as their English listening skills.

How to plan Cognition activities

Cognition is difficult concept to grasp and develeop when planning a lesson. Quite often there is 
wide gap between the students' cognition and their linguistic abilities. 
The students can be confronted by complex concepts which they are able to grasp cognitively but 
they might lack the linguistic means to express their understanding. To overcome such a mismatch,
 teachers have to carefully plan what language they need to introduce in order to make 
learning and thinking possible for the learners without turning the CLIL lesson into a language
The relationship between language and cognition (thinking and understanding) is complex. 
However what we do know is that effective learning involves cognitive challenge and
 feedback (assessment for learning). 
In CLIL settings it is essential to ensure that the language does not get in the way of understanding 
whilst at the same time it can itself be cognitively demanding. Cummins developed a matrix for 
exploring the relationship between cognition and language. This has been adapted for CLIL 
settings. The matrix is a useful tool to audit teaching materials. 
The greatest challenge for CLIL teachers is to develop materials and tasks which are
 linguistically accessible whilst being cognitively demanding. 
Planning just for Cognition is a really difficult task, as the other three Cs would, should come up 
along the way. Read this paper on P.E. planning. It covers all of them and reflects about the 
planning process.

1. Body language in art, by the Metropolitan Museum of New York.


Do you really want to know more? It could be very useful for you and your students.

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