miércoles, 27 de abril de 2022




This cross curricular project involves PE, math, English, ITC and Spanish. It cannot be developed until almost the end of the school year and requires coordination among teachers, mainly the PE and ITC. The students will need to use different tools that they learnt how to use during all year long.

The purpose is to elaborate a quick guide of the healthy lifestyle in a poster format.

The students will work in four groups during the entire project because each one will be specialized in a field: physical activity, eating habits, postural hygiene and rest, harmful habits


Activity 1:

Search the information.

Each group must explain, not only name, 10 specific actions that people can carry out to keep a healthy lifestyle.

That information must be handed out as a text document (Word) fulfilling the format requirements specified by the ITC teacher (font, paragraph, page number, headings, footnotes…), it must include a table as well and the references.


Activity 2:

Educational community survey.

Using google forms, each group has to develop a 10 questions survey related to their field. After that, one person of each group gather together with the one of the other groups to select 12 questions in total to prepare the final survey that will be shared later through the school platform to all the families, students, teachers and PAS. This survey is done in Spanish.

They have to decide which type of answers they want to get to think carefully about how to make the questions.

After that, using Excel, they continue with the data processing. Again, each group, writes down the conclusions of the survey.


Activity 3:

Poster recommendations.

The students must make a poster using the data collected with the survey and its results, highlighting those habits or routines that the community should improve to follow a healthy lifestyle.

The final poster will have two versions, English and Spanish, because they will be shared on the social media and showed on the noticeboard of the school.

The poster’s design will be done with Canva. It is a tool that allows collaborative work, so different students can work at the same time on the same poster.

The submission of the poster, must be done by the leader of the group by email, including the PE, ITC and Spanish teachers, and in two formats PDF and JPEG.

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Shared by Silvia García: The cross curricular project for 3ºESO that I have created involves Physical Education, Music, Arts and Crafts, Tec...